What to expect
Service format
Our services start at 10:30am and are about 75 minutes long. We also serve refreshments before the service at 10:00am, so please join us!
We sing together to give God glory for the good news of Jesus Christ.
Kids’ Talk
Our bi-weekly Kids’ Talks are aimed at teaching big truths to young hearts, and it’s one way we include our children in the service.
We praise God through our prayers! We bring our prayers to Him for the needs of our church, our local community, and for His intervention in local and global events.
The Bible reveals who God is and what He has done for us! Reading together plays a large role in our lives and transforms us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Proclaiming the unchanging truths of the Bible is vital for the health of our church. Our faith comes from hearing the Word, which we then try to apply to every aspect of our lives.
We remember God’s love for us, the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf, and the unity of believers when we observe Communion.
We observe Communion biweekly, and we welcome all Christians to participate. We have gluten free bread and non-alcoholic wine.
What about my children?
Children join in a part of our worship service as we love to see families worshipping together and giving children freedom to express themselves while we sing! Following the Kids’ Talk or Communion, children and youth go to their groups. Parents are encouraged to pick up their children after service! We also have a crèche room with lots of toys and books.
Missed a talk
Missed a talk? Listen to or download it in mp3 format.
We are excited to announce that our next teaching series will be through 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Although these are short letters, they are packed with insight on how Christians ought to live motivated by the hope we have in Jesus’ coming Kingdom. We hope you join us as we unpack Truths from God’s Word.

(Ages 3-7)

(Ages 8-11)

(Yr 7-11)